
Fantastic art therapy - casting / floating with acrylic paints - is called Fluid Art (acrylic pouring).
Fluid Art dates back to Mexico in the 1930s, when Mexican artist David Alfaro Sigueiros discovered the technique in his studio, which he described as "accidental painting." These "accidental" painting techniques also influenced other outstanding artists.
Sigueuros and his "accidental painting" were an example of what we call acrylic casting today.

Light and colors play a very important role in my life. Seven colors of the rainbow, seven chakras, energy and human vibrations that leads to meditation...
The deepest meaning of meditation is inner transformation - to change oneself to change the world, to become a better person, to be able to serve others better.
In this way, the most noble goals are set in my life.
Meditation means conscious self-expansion. It means recognizing or revealing one's true self.

It is through meditation that I overcome limitations, imperfections and addictions. What do I gain from meditation first and foremost? Peace of mind.
Peace is the beginning of love. Peace is the fulfillment of truth. Meditation is like a bird's wings - always spread out in Peace, Light and Love.
May the variety and flow of color tones take you to find and enrich your soul. Peace be with you!

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